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Live Irish Spider Crab (Maja Squinado)

Live Irish Spider Crab (Maja Squinado)

The Live Irish Spider Crab (Maja Squinado)


Embark on a journey with the essence of shellfish Ireland champions, the Live Irish Spider Crab. Originating from the crystal clear waters surrounding Ireland, these crabs are a testament to the region's rich marine heritage and after experiencing the quality and flavour, it is clear to see why there is such a demand for them throughout France and Spain.


Why Choose The Shellfish Company Limited's Spider Crabs?


  • Origin: Ireland
  • Sustainable Sourcing: Yes
  • Packaging Options: Shipped using a vivier lorry
  • Availability: Please call for availability



Experience the taste of shellfish Ireland offers.

Reach out to us and see how we can we can supply you the best of Irish Shellfish, only from The Shellfish Company Limited.

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